The automotive industry is undergoing one of its biggest transformations and the traditional ecosystem is being realigned in order to meet the changing needs of the final customers. The combination of 4 major trends in the automotive industry – mobility, digitalization, autonomous driving, and electrification will, most likely, trigger a significant disruption in the industry in the next 10 to 15 years.
As the industry, OEM and tier suppliers are preparing for the future in order to remain competitive and relevant on the market, it is also important to remember that the future of the supply chain has to be built on a strong foundation.
This is why in its 5th edition, AUTOMOTIVE LOGISTICS SUMMIT conference brings as a main discussion theme BACK to BASICS and explores the basis of a future-proof supply chain. Mastering the basics of supply chain management, lean and agile principles, risk management, supplier integration, and collaboration and adding in the mix of new technologies and innovative concepts will ensure a flexible and responsive supply chain.
Highlight themes
- Supply chain management principles – building a competitive and sustainable supply chain in the automotive industry
- Visibility & tracking in the supply chain – storage, transportation, accurate inventory
- Effective risk management – risk identification and prioritization
- Aligning production cycles & consumer trends
- Streamline communication among partners in the supply chain
2 dynamic discussion panels
- CEO Talks: Present & Future in the Eastern European automotive industry
- Face2Face – “tailor-made” transportation services for the automotive industry